Do you remember this meme? It's no coincidence we're publishing it once again.

This meme illustrated the eater of time and energy for employees and was associated with reporting current task statuses to managers. But this activity also takes up valuable managerial time and energy. It could be spent on activities that provide real value to the organization. How can a manager eliminate this eater and have more time for more value-added managerial activities?

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Michał Stangret
Evangelist, Harmodesk & Positive Productivity

If an employee wastes time and energy in detailed communication with a manager about the tasks to be completed on a given day and the status of the completion of issues including problems with task completion, then surely that manager will also waste time and energy.

After all, to a large extent, eaters simultaneously devour his time and energy spent on unnecessary and often very long communication processes related to checking the status of all tasks completed during the day, or "negotiating with employees" as to the assignment of tasks not completed by other employees.

Does it have to be this way? First, let's take a look at some simple problem-solving methods used by some managers.

Managers commonly do it this way:

  1. Communicate efficiently and clearly with staff about tasks to be completed on the day and the status of cases including problems with task completion. 
  2. Monitor a single shared location for up-to-date information on the status of tasks to be completed, including problems with task completion.
  • The manager may additionally spend time allocating tasks not completed. How to allocate such work? To whom do you allocate it? Who has spare capacity? Won't this undermine the team's delivery of key work? Will we meet the SLA? 
  • This is where manual, cyclical allocation of unfulfilled tasks to 'free' employees may come in handy. This is not easy given the multitude of factors – included in the questions above – that need to be taken into account, but it is not impossible.
  • It may also involve establishing rules of conduct and patterns of staff substitutes for absent ones to continue urgent tasks that have been put on hold.

These are only examples of conventional methods for solving the problem, but let us not forget the possibility of systemic, much more effective, solution.

How to solve the problem using the system method?

Note that in a system – where the manager has ongoing, online insight into the current task completion statuses of team members – wasting his time on communicating with employees about task completion statuses, as well as tasks to be completed, is minimized.

Automating tasks allocation gives the manager peace of mind that every employee is doing those tasks that are a priority at any given time, and delegating a priority task is a simple operation of just clicking an "urgent drop-in" into the system.

Thanks to this solution, as a manager you do not have to waste your time and energy on time-consuming control of the status of all tasks during the day. You also don't have to waste time looking for "free" capacity the system provides automation of allocation to "free" employees of uncompleted tasks, which were previously allocated to another employee.

As a result, the mechanisms, which is the team or the whole organization, work smoothly and the manager, being aware of it, gains time and energy.

Above mechanism eliminates manager's time and energy eater which boils down to: the audit of the status of all task performance throughout the day and "negotiations with staff" as to the allocation or assignment of tasks unfinished by other employees.

But this is only 1 of 14 time and energy eaters of employees and managers that we have identified in the course of our long-term experience in over 500 Business Services, Back Office and Middle Office teams in dozens of countries on 5 continents. The presented system solution eliminates these eaters as well.

If you want to discover:

✅ what is the disruptive nature of the other 13 eaters?

✅ what is their impact on your team and organisation?

✅ how much money can be saved by eliminating them?

✅ how do managers usually try to handle them unsuccessfully and how to do it once and for all using the proven system method?

➡️ get your ebook, titled: Top eaters of time and energy in Business Services & Back/Middle Office. How much money they absorb and how to eliminate them?

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